Portfolio Lighting

Portfolio Track 40

Multifunctional surface mounted Track 40.

Dutch Electro sells surface mounted and recessed light fixtures for the commercial vehicle industry and the marine industry. Together with Fabrique they have designed a great number of lighting fixtures.


Design a surface mounted light fixture that can be placed at an angle and can be easily produced in different lengths.

Track 40 + Track


The Track 40 is a lighting fixture made of building blocks. It can hold its own diffuser, but it can also hold the original Track, which is watertight. This means the Track 40 can also be delivered as a watertight lighting fixture, which is often recommended for vehicles.

brandweer track 40


The Track 40 (the number 40 refers to a 40 degree angle) is a modular product, which makes it a typical product for Dutch Electro. It can hold multiple diffusers, multiple colour LEDs and can also be watertight. Dutch Electro is always looking to accommodate as many clients as possible with smartly designed products.

Track 40 Wit

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